فضائح ملك الاردن الفاسد عبدالله الثاني وزوجته الفاسده رانيا الياسين

فضائح ملك الاردن الفاسد عبدالله الثاني وزوجته الفاسده رانيا الياسين


King Abdullah Bin Al Hussein

مولاي عليك التصرف قبل فوات الأوان فهناك اجندات ستنفّذ من دون علمك والله الساتر

King Abdullah Bin Al Hussein
I ask you by the name of God your majesty King Abdullah Bin Al Hussein Immediate intervention to avoid blood shed on mid 7\2011 and ask you in the name of his majesty king Hussein Bin Talal (God bless his soul)
I ask you by the name of God your majesty King Abdullah Bin Al Hussein Immediate intervention to avoid blood shed on mid 7\2011 and ask you in the name of his majesty king Hussein Bin Talal (God bless his soul) immediate intervention, immediate, immediate, Because the written Read from the title and O Lord of mercy, and O Lord of mercy, And finally I announced my withdrawal Of any intervention Or discuss Or dialogue Or post in Loyalty Marches or other Marches, Ignorance And hunger Is the largest Grace, and Jordan lived, And Long live the king .
The son of Jordanian Hashemite Country
Ouni Abed Haddadin Tel: 0776503000 Jordan-Amman
Founding groups: Labyka ya watani Jordan on face book
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